

Ask @MaddieZeien

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Girls have a choice to show. & not every fucking person wants to see you in a bra ok. Ok.


Dont lay like that please. And the only reason why you lay like that is cuz Joey likes it.

Don't tell me what to do, asshole.

Do u need me to buy u a turtle neck? Mabe Joey could but he wouldn't bc he likes it

Ok you know what, you are ridiculous. Girls have boobs. Get over it. They're gonna show. Ok? So gtfo & quit giving me shit bc my boobs show. You're an insensitive asshole that needs a life. Leave me the fuck alone.

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The only reason why joey likes you is because you show your boobs on FaceTime.

Uh ok.. Sorry that my boobs show when I lay like that.

Because you could probably figure it out yourself if you only have so many guy friends just kinda do the process of elimination thingy and bam


Im adorable HAHAHA funny seriously your adorable your smile hair eyes anything and everything inside and out even your flaws are adorable not that you have any just the flaw of being so damn adorable

Aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw please tell me who you are aw omg❤️

you deserve it after all you go through:) takes alot of work and stress to be as beautiful as you

Omg you're adorable


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