

Ask @MadeleneYu

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Can you stop your fake accent . You are in Singapore ! Its very obvious its fake . You have been in sg for so long why can't you just speak with a Singaporean accent or at least try to.This is not hate, in fact i think you hv nice eyes.Just want to let you know because alot of people r annoyed withu

Ouch angsty. Okay well thanks for the compliment YAY and tbh I honestly think I have no accent but I am very confuzzled about how my accent came about too HAHAHAHA. I have tried to replicate Singaporean accents but I end up being laughed at HAHAHAHAH. And I have been made fun of for my "supposed accent " so it is kind of a touchy subject yeah 😊 So in the end I was like "oh well if I get fun of for both might as well stick with my actual 'accent' HAHAHAHAHHAHA so there Ya go

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tbh you are the worst person i know. jkjk almost the exact opposite. you're super nice despite your constant rudeness ahem. you look fairly good and im super happy that we're friends yay.

Hahahahahhahahahahahahhahaa thanks thanks I know I'm the best and I'm SUCH a good friend 😌 Yes thank I'm glad we're friends too Hahahahahahahahahahaha 😁😀

hows friendships studies and life in general

Not too bad actually. Apart from my inevitable death in A Math but yeah... everything else seems cool

Why cant you come for band? I want you to play for limelight but you won't be able to if you dont start comming

Ehh I don't really want to talk about it. If I wanted you to know I probably would've alrdy told you ☺ Also I am determined to play for limelight so you don't really have to tell me hahahaha I'm working really hard now and can come twice a week so that's great 😀
Also if you want to dicuss further anything about band just whatsapp me, yeah? I don't check this very often so I think whatsapp would be better ☺

maddy you are really nice

Well um thanks :)) I just try not to upset anyone and try to make everyone around me happy I guess...? People's emotions affect me as well so when someone's not happy I'd also be able to empathize with them and try to make them happier :) (Although I fail 99.9% of the time HAHAHAHAHA)
Being nice to others makes me feel happy and a sense of accomplishment hehehe :))

i dont think yan is a very nice person ... but i hope thats not true

?? Yan is quite a nice person but I mean for me I just felt frustrated that we didn't talk as much and I felt like she was neglecting me hahahah but that is NOT the case it's not her fault at all I just have different standards I guess. But Yan is nice... also what did I say prior to this? Hahahaha sorry I've been inactive for awhile...

how are your exam preperations?:)

HAHAHAHAno. Honestly I have not prepared much... only wrote notes for SS, did xi zi for Chinese, A Math tuition with dad, Chem tuition, gourge myself on ice cream while crying in the dark corner of my room, think about life, stone at my desk, listen to emo and metal music while screaming my lungs out, study through osmosis by placing the book on my head and sleeping

what do you think of people taking triple science ? :$

Either: -"Wow. Smart people."
-"...you have nooo idea what you are doing ._. You will die."

honestly, do u wan 2 play the clari solo? (& btw, im juz asking out of curiosity, not for anything else ) :)

HAHAHAHAHA: Funny story: I was trying to type an answer when an ant came on my key board and I just smashed random letters but still failed at killing the ant... Ended up with enough words for a 3 page essay.
Ehh... let's put it as, if I am given the solo I would try it out :) But if not I would still be cool with it I guess...? Because let's be honest, I can't play alone in front of everyone without shaking HAHA.

what if somone told you your clarinet tone is actually not decent , how woukd you react?

Welp, I would agree, but I would also like them to show me what is considered a decent tone by their standards, how would they play it :) And honestly I do have a long way to go so I'd just continue working on it, not much you could do other than that HAHAHA. And also ask my tutor and conductor how I can improve and how I am, because I honestly trust them more and my SL too because she can playyyy.

how do you rank the sec 3 clarinet section in terms of playing?

So many clarinet questionszzz =___= Honestly, I don't think I can rank people(???) I mean I think they all play well and there is no "worst" clarinetist in the Sec 3 bunch. We just have different areas which require improvement and we have different strengths so, I can't really rank them :P
Sorry for the disappointment TTvTT

what do you think of your own playing

HONESTLY WITHOUT PRETENSION, I think I play not too badly. However, I feel that I have A LOT of room for improvement. For example, my tone could be a lot better, and I tend to rush sometimes, so I need to keep to tempo. I also have not memorized my scales HAHAHAHAHA so yeah that too. :D YAY. The plus side would be that my tone is at least decent, and I learn quickly :D

who do you think is the best player in your section ?

Hm... Adele :D She is hardworking, she is humble, she has a good tone :) There are also a handful of potential juniors ^^ Deborah has had a very good attitude since day 1 and her tone is not bad. I think all the seniors are really not bad, but Adeline needs to have a better attitude HAHAHAHA but still fine :) Carina should play up, Gladiz too. I need to work harder as well! As for the Sec one juniors... sigh.

do u no wat is adele's ask.fm?

Uh... I know she has an ask.fm account, but I don't really know her account name HAHA. Try "adele" maybe?

wld u want to go overseas to study , just like janice

Honestly, I'm considering it. I mean, from what I have heard JC's are very hard and you have to be sociable to "stay alive", and anyone would know that I am anything but sociable. Also, I'm not very clear about what I want to do in the future, so Polytechnics are out of the question. I have seen my sister working till 1am while studying in the IB programme, and I can't study like her, so no IB for me. So I think studying overseas might be an option, but I'm still thinking about it :) .

What personality type are you out of the 16 personalities?

The mediator haha be honoured kay I took the test just for this...


Language: English