
Mad Red

Ask @MadxRed

In your opinion, why would someone suddenly turn against you when you opened up to them about your personal struggles and they tried to be there for you in the past? Have you ever experienced this?

Some people live for/off of drama, and their life isn't as exciting, so they love to see or talk about others' secrets/mistakes/downfalls/imperfections.

Why is it that the people we love don’t see the hurt they put us through until it’s too late?

Because some people tend to just take and take until the one who is giving just lose it all, not knowing what has happened, only to feel rejected and unwanted.

When you love someone and want to spend the rest of your life with them, and they tell you, “We're just friends.” Do you think there is hope for a long-term relationship with a happy ending or not?

Nope, don't have any high hope, because having any high hope will only hurt you that much in the end.

You wake up as a Ching Chong donkey what are u doing?

This is a stupid ass racial question. Wtf is a ching chong donkey.

Language: English