
a small nico

Hey what kind of music do you like? Also, I wasn't the one who asked you about Transistor, but you should look into it, it's super pretty.

I basically largely listen to ridiculous nerd shit and metal that I liked as a teen because my taste in music has barely evolved in the past 8 years.

Latest answers from a small nico

transistor is really good you play this cute lady who's a famous singer in a mysterious high tech city and she has a magic broadsword

Ah, its by the same studio that made Bastion! I'll try to check it out when I have some free time.

i dont remember you bein trans on LF, am i misremembering terribly or were you repressing yourself at the time? sorry if that brings up bad feels or anything

I literally only started properly figuring out I had gender shit going on around december last year, though tbh my identification with being a man was always kind of weird and fragile.

are they *really* JUST good friends, or is something more going on here...

everyone is always gay

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