

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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Oh my god so I was listening to this song and it was called "church"
So I was listening to it and it wasn't about church omg it was about a strip club xD!!
And on one part it said "you don't bounce that ass like oh lord then climb back up the pole to meet Christ"
And I was like lmfao xD!! Oh my god ok I'm dying I just can't OMG xD

Is that kid in your one video named Thomas fiversen or Thomas F. Iversen

His Instagram name makes people get mixed up...
It's not Thomas fiversen
It's Thomas F. iversen
The "f" stands for his middle name
Then his last name is iversen

i thought you were bi

I am but stuff like this below VVV
It's just like wtf
You don't just randomly call a boy cute
What is I wasn't bi
I would have cussed him out for calling me cute
You don't just randomly assume someone's gay or bi
Theese damn Facebook people piss me off
Liked by: billy

If you asked me a question, I would be so happy :)) It would be a fangirling moment for me. Hahahaha!

That's funny ANON
Liked by: billy


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