

to be honest, ask.fm is filled with directioners and biliebers (-__-).. i have found very few people who prefer Pink Floyd :P And here you are, Emily Dickinson, Charles Bukowski, Robert Frost, Bronte Sisters, Ed Sheeran, Pink Floyd..??? seriously?? :D you're rare.. and i would say you're perfect :P

RahulaPal’s Profile PhotoRahul (◣◢)
Well, in all seriousness, reading and writing is my passion. In a nutshell, literature defines me. And music's pretty important to me. I dont listen to just any random stuff haha. Pink Floyd and Ed are love! <3
I'd not call myself perfect haha. But thanks so much! (:
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Latest answers from Mahima

I just started reading your poems and I'm left speechless. You've got such an amazing hold on writing. I can't even express how amazing you are. Your vocabulary, the way you express things, those deep thoughts put simply in words. This can't be real. You are awesome. I hope you never stop writing:)

THIS can't be real!
The appreciation means a lot to me.
Thank you so much!
Your poems are really good as well.
Ofc I will keep writing. Its my passion. :)

What do you like to have for breakfast?

My little cousin sister was mumbling something about cars. We obviously couldn't understand what she was asking for in her cute but incomprehensible language. So she asked me to bring her a paper and pen. And she drew this. It took me a few minutes to realize its a car and a remote control. Apparently she was asking for a 'car control' but we couldn't understand until this cute, clever thing used her mind :3
She's love. <3

First liker gets 15 likes + compliment or question( if u want then only) and rest gets 4? Pls pls

Why d'you guys have to send JUST these questions mannnn? .-.

Hi, i'm writing a phone book, can I have your number?

Well, that's new.
I'm extremely sorry to disappoint you.
But your phone book and my number don't quite muddle along.

Language: English