
Mai Tanaka

What did you do when you went over to Nate's house last time? And don't ask why I care just say what you did.

I honestly don't remember . I just remember we busted open a pinata, watched Les Mis, and went to Grotto's with Jhy'mier and his brother .

Latest answers from Mai Tanaka

Who would you like to be able to call a friend again?

Ummm i dunno . I can't really think of anyone at the moment .

bitchhhhhhhhhhh you is gawweejussssssssssssss, like holy hot pocket you fineeeeeee *insert my dick* < totally kindding but fo real boo you to pretty

Awww thanks boo ❤️ U iz 1 foinee azz b!tch 2 xD

Language: English