

Ask @MaisieDaisy99

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hvorfor du holder op for folk, du grim kælling

Just because I like Benjamin and Tobias who are Danish/speak Danish does not mean I speak Danish...'so go right ahead and speak in English if your going to speak

kælling kælling kælling

Don't you get the message I'M ENGLISH not Danish
Stop speaking Danish,start speaking English

grimme kælling -__-

I know that's hate because I know the last word... If you are going to give me hate at least speak English
Many thanks

dumme kælling, du så fucking grim forsøger at holde op for Aimmee når du ikke engang kan gøre det for dig selv ynkelig du er! så fuck off og lade Ben alene ingen kan lide dig

?.... Please talk to someone who IS danish or speaks danish

Okay and he in lots of Danish I will gladly ya what it means xx

Okay thanks I don't even know why people are talking DANISH to me xxxxx

Benjamins falske din en bitch, du grim kælling

That what obv about benjamin..I think, speak english

Jeg hader dig! Jeg hader dig, du er sådan en bitch, og jeg ønsker dig ville dø! -__-

In don't understand Danish.....

stoppe stikker op for Benjamin grimme kælling

I don't know what that means and I can't be bothered to use Google translate.... So just speak English I don't understand danish

Where is the worst place you could get stuck?

I don't know but I know the worst place to get lost.... In a another country, that would be scary because everyone would be talking in a different language

hey:) this is called ask right?would you check out my song and tell me if my english is ok?cuz I'm german and I'm really interested in english speaking peoples opinion bout that.if ur just pissed from people sending you stuff like this I can totally understand that :* http://youtu.be/aO7h1Igztvk

Hey:) I just watched your video, yeah your English is good <3


Language: English