
maisie bailey

Ask @Maisiebailey

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well i did care about you but you never came to me? and we were both horrible to each other you just dont know the full story?

What?I do ah

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i know you were just being nice but you didnt think about me being upset

You never care about me anymroe,you were being horrible to jess and stuck up for her cause she's a close friend,you were the one being horrible so there was no point and most of the time your pathetic to me

She can stick up for herself

Maybe she was upset and I was helping a friend because I'm nice lile that thomas

I love you snail :* xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxxoox

i love you too chipmunk:*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Why are you and tom not friends?

Dunno really but we always argue over the smallest things so there's no point tbh

People your close with in your family?

I'm close with all of them but the people I trust are sophia,megs,emily,zoe,carli

What did you do today?and who with?

Went to town/beach
Then saw Sam,jake,Jordan,winnie,suzie,Anna,josh

People your close to at the moment?


If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?


Boy bestfriends?and girl bestfriends?

Boys I'm close to-sam,david,rob,stuart
Courtney but she lives in australia,don't just hae 1-liv,willow,hope,charley,rhiannon,

charley smith?

Known her for like a year now,she's one of the loveliest girls and so so pretty,when I'm with her we have such a laugh nd she's hilarious,hate not being as close but still talk when we can,love her to bits x

1. Tell me the truth, what made you like the person you like right now? 2. What on your body is hurting or bothering you? 3. What was your last thought before going to bed last night? 4. What are you listening to? 5. What's something you're not looking forward to?

1.dont like anyone
2 my ankle&knee
3.'why is he being like this with me'
4.niece on the phone
5.nothing really


Language: English