
Mark Arnold

Ask @MakArnld

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What set are you in for math? Like 1st, 2nd set, etc? You improved so much

i'm not sure what you mean by set but i improved from a 2 which is an E to a 5 (i missed getting a 6 by 1 mark) which is a B.

dyslexia is a real problem dude whats wrong with you

i said that anon hater had dyslexia
anon hated on me
i'll say shit back to anon
calm your tits.

I'm not that anon btw but just saying you might be good at gold in singapore but Singapore is nothing compared to places like the US and China. You'll never make it and its about time you realise that

i don't see what is your point? did i mention that i wanted to become a professional? i only said i'm good and i've been on a magazine? so either i've told you that i used to want to turn pro in person or you don't read well and you are dyslexic.
honestly though i couldn't care less about your opinion
odds are you don't have anything to be proud of in life especially the size of your balls, since you bitch and hate to me behind a computer on ask.fm.
i bet your parents are really proud of you.

you're such an asshole to your mother! have some god damn respect! she gave birth to you! no matter what she has done, she probably has the best intentions for you! give her some respect! and the person that likes your answer about a life without agnes is disgusting

you don't know shit about my life. i got 69% for my math paper today which is an improvement from 26% and agnes is disappointed in me and shouted at me. where as my dad is proud of me.
i take being called an asshole as a compliment.

What was the last thing you made with your own hands?

well i set up my new board so i guess i made a skateboard?


Language: English