
Manal Alshaikh

Swety quote tweet fe twitter o ktbty THIS .. kan 3n ino you realized that you were not as important as you think you were to someone. Who is this person?

Lool im not mentioning her/his name. But I guess we all have that person :/ don't we?
And who are you? :))
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Latest answers from Manal Alshaikh

كأنك نمتي وانتي جالسه ؟؟؟

Omg eeeeeeeh :') mn kthr ma alclass yejeeb alnoom. Msha2la 3laik 9dtney mn b3eed :') :$.

ايش رايك بالمقوله اللي تقول(أكل البيت أزين من أكل المطاعم)..!؟

اوافق هالمقولة ... بس مو اي بيت =))

5 facts about Laura Hakeem?

1- such a cutiee
2-loveable and outgoing
3-you have 1 sister and 1 brother I guess :$
4-your best friend is la6eefah
5-and I like you ♥

بعد قلبيييييييييي ونستيني للأبد احبك يامنول❤❤❤❤

♥♥ ان شاءالله دووم

سويتلك لايكات الين ماصرت محضور من اللايكات:)

نحبهااااااااااااا للللابد ♥♥♥ و ياااا زينكك و الله .... شكرا يا بعد شبدي

امنية ودك تتحقق

آخروية : ادخل الفردوس الاعلى بلا حساب و لا سابقة عذااب
دنيوية: يااا رب امنيتي اللي في بالي تتحقق. واذا صار ببقوللك ايش هي

Wha is the most amazing experience you ever had.

Honestly there are allot that im proud with. But in every experience I learn a new different thing. But probably "all girls summer camp" , its seriously unforgettable. Iv met amazing ppl whom will always be in my heart. i just love them

Language: English