
Marco Zanipatin

Ask @Manzan8000

Can you accept it?

Accept what? Who are you??? I'm need your name, number, social security and two references for the next question you ask me

Are you worried?

Hell nah, except only when I'm having panic attacks, anxiety, gf breaks up with me, wake up in a hospital, hit a homeless pedestrian, lose my job my license and friends, ran out of trees, no more ice, my pipe breaks, the blunt breaks, or I'm out or money for snacks... but no worries ever. Cool cucumber status

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Are you still friends with anyone from your high school?

Hell no fuck them all the way those fuckers can go get fucked by a train without lube and catch all the aids.

Do you miss some one ?

The only one I've ever truly missed. Everyday we're apart and I'm not by her side i think about her and her beautiful face. She probably has too much lipstick on right now and i miss it so much.

u not by my side :(

I wish i was by your side if you're NinaZ .if not then go find ninaZ and tell her she's not by my side either

*stares at you awkwardly from across the room*. 👀👁👁

💁🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️Does funny dance move to make it more awkward.


Language: English