

Did you really just answer a question saying your snatch should be higher than a power clean? Lmao

Yes... And ? A snatch is a lot easier if your form is perfected. But please do enlighten me on your lifting ways oh noble one who knows all

Latest answers from Mallad

Okay, so real quick I just want to tell you that you keep saying "defiantly" when you mean "definitely". I've noticed it multiple times now & just want to let you know. Lol. Not trying to be rude just letting you know you're misspelling. Defiant is saying that someone is like rebellious.

I know how to spell definitely it's just autocorrect loves to fuck with me sorry!

Mariah you're honestly amazing. You work hard in everything you do. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise

I love you ❤

Are you playing next season

Defiantly!!!! I've been doing a lot of arm training and agility also working on positioning in the mirror and I did summer league ! So I got to get shot on by College level girls! Lots of great experience for me!

Sometimes you do act like you're all about lacrosse and then all about baseball but not to too much of an extreme but that anon is wrong; you were a pretty cool goalie for your first season. I was really impressed actually

Honestly, that means a lot ❤

U act like your the fucking lacrosse god and your not. You played 1 season and sucked, chill out dude

You should go ask the UNLV's goalies what they think of me. Thats why I've been training with them all summer &&& I'm pretty sure centennial went to state and that game I had more saves then ever about 15. Sooo you have no place to talk anon. Gtfo

You're so fucking hot. Like do you even realize how sexy you are? I wish you wore tighter clothes

Sikeeee I don't have a flat stomach so no tight clothes

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