
Marinela Tice

Ask @MarinelaTice901

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and what is one thing you like about yourself?

Heheheh that took like half an hour to think about.....ermm I like my smile :D

what is one thing that you dislike about yourself? it could be appearance or personality wise etc

Good thing u asked for one thing I dislike coz that list could go on forever. I dislike the shape and colour of my eyes!!!!!! Oh so annoying. If only the were green or blue!

how comes you and riya become so close all of a sudden

We've always been close its not 'all of a sudden'......maybe you just decided to notice that we are close

was just asking because I thought you were arab can you speak albanian and greek?

naaa im not arab but yeah I can speak albanian fluently

opinions on callum walley?

I don't really know him that well so I haven't really got that many opinions on him. He's a guy looking guy and he's alright

why does riya beg it to you

She don't beg it to me, she's ma bestie so please get yo ass of ask fm and stop begging an answer from me because your stupid questions are not needed.....byeeeee :D


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