

You are lucky to have very nice 2 sisters & 1 brother.Must be having very fun at home.Correct?

Not really my older sister is 21 has a son and doesn't live here
My brother is 20 and lives with his grandma
And my little sister is a handful to say the lease

Latest answers from Marissa

What to do to make a man happy?

A man’s happiness has nothing to do with me if me being myself makes you happy I mean bonus but I’ve stoped doing what others expect of me and do what I want

Do I need to love him to kiss him?

Depends on the person I guess
I know me personally I didn’t love some of the guys I’ve kissed lol

Do you have a good intuition? If yes, did you have it naturally or did you have to work for it or both?

I naturally do and a strong empath

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