

Ask @MarkRyanSparrow

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You have an opportunity to make one person absolutely happy, but not yourself. Who

My mum, cuz she deserves it.

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Anyone ever taken a laxative?

No but I once chewed 56 bits of chewing gum. So we were in Wales doing a bit of adventure training and camping, and on our ration packs we had these packs of gum. You know for walks and that. I started swapping my other foods for the gum and just started chewing them. I got to about 56 before there was too many in my mouth. About an hour later I get this pain in my stomach, and I head to the bathroom. I started shitting all over but when there was no shit left, my starch still hurt like I needed to shit. Man it was rough. I ended up staying there for about three hours just in pain. No shit coming out tho, cuz there was none left. Turns out chewing gum has laxative properties.

Have you ever skived off school??

Yeah a few times. I was a good boi thou so I was a bit nervous and that but they never caught us

Hmmm. New to this and not sure what it's really for. Someone sell it to me...

Just answer the questions honestly and make fun of the stupid questions. Or the people asking them.

You can only hear one song for the rest of your life. Bohemian Rhapsody or Ring of Fire?

Bohemian rhapsody obv

What is a secret ambition you have?

It’s no secret. I want to be a landlord. Obviously I have to get a mortgage first and occupy them, but I really want to own a set of houses that I rent out.. get me on the property business!

Would you rather increase your intelligence or your charisma?

This one’s a hard one actually. I know charisma will help more in social stuff and work (getting promoted and that) but intelligence will only help you if you’re still a student or whatever. I pick charisma.

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Mistakes were made, but such is life.
Just kidding it’ll probably be like y u do dis

Where do you really want to travel?

Wherever really. I’m more of a beach guy to be fair. And the best dive sites in the world. So probably Maldives, Red Sea, Belize...


Language: English