

to Dini

Today, it was to be my wedding with Dini, but Harry was more fast. And now I'm here prayin' to that wedding fail, because I love her and I can't live without her. I just can't.
I remember the day I met her. She was singin' a Little Mix's song, Little Me to be exact. I sat by her side and started talking with her. It was magic, if I can say like this. I felt in love with her with her little things, but Harry appeared and she felt in love with him. Harry is beautiful and everything but she's mine. I've to fight for her. I'll end with that wedding.
I leave home and pick up my car. I drive to Dini's house. She's preparing herself to the wedding. It's the best way to end with that shit. She's mine and I don't let her get marry with Harry. I'm so sorry, Hazza, I love you but I've to be happy and I know Dini loves me too.
I stop the car in front of her house and leave it. I run to her house and knock at the door. It's Sophia who open the door.
- Where is Dini?
- There, why?
- I need to talk with her.
- Liam, it's not the best moment.
- It is, Soph. I can't let my girl get marry with Harry. I love her and I know she loves me.
- You are right, she loves you but she will get marry with Harry. Forget, Liam.
- Never. Let me talk with her.
- Okay. Follow me.
I enter Dini's house and Sophia closes the door. After, I follow her till the Dini's bedroom.
- Dini, Liam wants to talk with you.
- I can't, Soph.
- Please, it's important.
- I know he wants to end with my wedding, Sophiam. I wanna marry with Harry.
- No, you don't, Dini. - I scream - You love me and I know that.
- You're wrong, Liam. I love Harry.
- Really? Now tell me that looking at my eyes.
- Liam...
- Tell me, Nadine.
She sighs and look at my eyes.
- I love Harry.
- Ok. I'm going away. - I turn back, but Sophia don't let me go away
Ok. I'm going away. - I turn back, but Sophia don't let me go away..
- Dini, tell the truth to Liam. - Sophia says - Tell Liam what you were saying to me.
- I can't disappoint Harry, Sophia.
- Do you can disappoint Liam? You always loved Liam. Don't lie for yourself, Dini. Your happiness is with Liam, not with Harry.
- Sophia, stop. She will get marry with Harry. She wants that. I understand. - I smile sad to Sophia.
I start walking when I listen Dini calling my name.
- Liam, promise me will be forever. Promise me you will love me eve though I get fat.
- I'll love you even though you get fat or you get old. I promise, Dini. - I turn to her.
- I love you. Don't make me regret.
- I won't. And I love so much.
Right there I've knew It was to be forever. Because I love her and she loves.
I hope you lik, Dini :)
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