Who is that someone that you wish you haven't of met? Allie? August 17, 2014 You can think what you want
What do you hate? August 17, 2014 don't just leave out of no where just say I'm annoying striaght out.
Favorite quote? August 17, 2014 I'm not only here when you want something but you know ill be there anyways *forgets the rest and who said it* oh..
What annoys you the most? August 16, 2014 when they say K. When people have time to open the message/snap/dm and have time to start typing but just leave instead of sending it.
Most adorable thing you seen? August 15, 2014 when this adorable thing walked around in circles saying Matts name over and over.
You reply to me the second I message you but you wait 4 hours to answer my questions! August 15, 2014 I don't get notifications for ask Opps...?
Do you miss Allie being yours? August 15, 2014 I would rather not say the answer because I don't want to feel like shit knowing it's not the same for the other.
When did you even start liking him? August 14, 2014 I don't even like him *laughing crying emoji here*