
Matthew Charles

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Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

People. When I was younger I was super optimistic and couldn't wait for school and to meet people, but now, I've became dissiusioned with people, becoming less concerned with whatever bullshit that happens.
I just wait for summer, and a chance to play some melee, watch some streams, and have a great time.

How did you learn about comp smash?

I was in to traditional fighters, I saw every evo. Brawl being at evo 2009 changed my view of the game I got into it, playing it casually. It wasn't till I saw the doc that I got into the scene.

Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? How do you earn people's loyalty?

I don't know how to answer that. But i know you shouldn't do the opposite.

Who do you think will win evo in every game

Street Fighter: Daigo
Marvel: Justin Wong
Melee: Mang0
Smash 4: ZeRo
Killer Instinct: Justin Wong
Don't Know the rest

Would you rather be royalty or a reality TV star?

reality tv star. if I was royalty people would try to kill me.

sandstorm impressions?

1: Armada is dominating 2015, I think this could be his year. unless pp does something, armada has this.
2: mango and leffen getting 5th. this is telling, one lost to hbox and the other was upset twice by players not in the top 6. I think this is saying something.
3: Axe and Westballz. axe beat leffen and mango. westballz tore through losers bracket. west is taking a break, so I'll talk about axe. He's beaten all of the top 6 aside from armada. He's gotten top 8 at evo, mlg, and zenith. this guy is a contender for top 6.
4: m2k. Jason dropped out of singles. He's focusing on trash 4. at his peak he could have won this. now, he'll be lucky to get ninth.
5:mvg league. this stream was horrible. Greg bans us all for joking. give Greg less power and this stream will be better.
Liked by: kenneth


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