

Ask @MatthewGosselin

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Do you have a special Sunday activity ?

It’s typically my day to try to cook something new and difficult. Yesterday I slow roasted a pork shoulder for the first time, super proud of that

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What are you constantly forgetting about?

I need to keep up with communication. If I don’t remind myself, I would simply never be the one to text first so I have to try and keep it in mind always! Many people have gotten mad about me simply never responding to things

How good are you at saying "no"?

Ooooh depends on who it’s to. To people who are close to me, I have a reaally hard time saying no. To anyone else, I can do it without a second thought.
Liked by: Dago thiago

What side dish do you like to eat with barbecue?

Damn. Everything’s good. Since I cook for myself, I typically make rice or potatoes and some stir fried veggies, but if I was at home then mashed potatoes and a good garden or caesar salad is 👌🏻👌🏻
Liked by: Dago thiago

Haha our Generation are addicted to phone and how can I cheer you up?

Agreed 100%. It’s wack. I know I am too to a certain extent. (Although I try to never use my phone when I’m with friends) how to cheer me up? I know I need a few things to stay happy. Physical activity and human interaction. I need to go to the gym consistently, or go rock climbing for fun and also need friends to keep me from being a hermit haha. Whether that be coning over and baking cookies or anything else!!

What items do you always carry to your bag ?

Phone, wallet, backpack. Always have a water bottle in it and space if I decide to pick up groceries.

Do you agree that nobody goes through more shit in life than a person with a good heart?

Nah, I think people with “good hearts” just get worn down more easily. It’s harder to be the person who is able to overcome things on their own and not claim that the world’s against them. Just get on your feet and move on with your life. Be productive, and no one can take that away from you.

What good romantic movie can you can suggest?

Depends on the occasion and who you’re with. For some it could be The Notebook, and in a more heated scenario could be like 50 Shades

Do you like to make new friends?

I love to make new friends, but I’m awful at putting myself in situations where I can make new friends, such as joining clubs or going to events etc.

Do you believe the devil exists?

No, but I won’t deny the possibility that a higher being could exist. I don’t think it’s worth living your life in fear or any differently to “gain favor” with a higher being, though.

How to deal with busy boyfriend?

Ooooh fun question, but hard to answer because I don’t know the relationship. Busy in the sense that he always has plans with other people, or is he a very productive individual with school, work, and other extracurriculars going on?

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

I’d say I’m emotionally mediated, so it’s rare that I’m exceptionally happy or sad. However, I can be content with being in between!

Which country do you want to visit?

Japan 100%, as well as the Mediterranean, with places like Italy and Greece.

what is the most common misconception about love that you know? and how are you going to debunk it?

Odd to say, but I think people believe love is rare and requires ‘the one.’ If two people are willing to put in the effort for eachother, love happens naturally through hormones and shared experiences.

How you created your squad? Have any tips on how to create your own community?

Community as in friend group? To be honest, willingness and confidence to introduce yourself, whether in class, an extracurricular, or any other event/gathering. More often than not, you’ll find things in common and friendships should flow smoothly once you’re past the first minute or so of talking! I know I have and still struggle with these things, but there’s nothing to lose so I might as well say hi!

Whats the last movie you watched?

If you’d call it a movie, the Netflix special Bandersnatch. If we’re talking movie theaters, I saw Aquaman on Christmas day! (Thoroughly impressed actually)


Language: English