
Matthew ✌

Ask @MatthewSHX

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hi matt that wasnt me lol tuition all day all night

lol that's saddddddddd I guess it's a mutual friend then since the person seems to know you too

Any plans to go out today?

nope likely not just nua at home , pack my remaining stuff and prepare to go chinaaaaaa.

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Faster! What feelings? I'm not Lynette.

O.o no la just feeling something different cause of my own thoughts? That's why it's new feelings? LOL

Score prediction for Liverpool vs Manchester United this Sunday?

2-1 to Liverpool with Sturridge and Gerrard scoring.

Describe Justin Leong

meow. LOL. Someone who keep uses feg and then keeps calling me fegtew. Really funny guy and I think the first time I met him was in ambs inaug. Oh and he will be away for internship for 6 months soon........he will miss me

How was your birthday celebration yesterday

It was too damn awesome if only I didnt had exams to worry about then it would had been perfect but still, much thanks to my friends

If you had to, would you rather always drink teh bing or kopi bing forever for the rest of your life?

teh bing cause....Idk how I got started drinking teh bing but ever since each time i go sch i sure buy teh bing LOL. What's the relevance anw?!?!

hahaha good good, how bout you? WHOOP WHOOP BIKE OR CAR LICENSE?

Exams suck ya....CARRRRRRRRRRR. Me no like bikey


WOHOOHOHOOHHOHO. Actually the only thing i'm looking forward to is getting license...drinking and smoking is not for me anyway. Hehe how have you been ?!

Why you everyday wear slippers?

cause it's too damn comfortable and I hate wearing shoes it makes my feet feels so restricted


WHUUUUUUUUUUUUT. Actually I've 3 reasons for loving this friday....so I STILL DK WHATS YOUR REASON LOL

are you looking forward to supper time with your supper buddy in china

Yes i'm looking forward more to the food than the company HAHAHA just kidding let's eat till we drop
Liked by: Linda Lim


Language: English