
Matty Hill

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What is your favorite way of wasting time?

hidjfogvkdjhosghvrifjigprefhigbvhfdoklgnoufhvfosbgtrhvo flkngotifjnbofohgkreoignhrfonoglfdvroeigvnlfkgnloierlfkvnghrlfkndgoilfkndgoirtfhglfkgd

Привет:) Пройди, пожалуйста, тест на моей стене ask.fm / ptest, надо для дипломного проекта:)

me no speaky your langwuineeee

Why do you act 'hardcore' on the bus? You and your 'possey' just intimidate people and it can be really hurtful sometimes:(

ohh yeah cause i think im hard i sit there and listen to music i know im a "prick" according to thoose who dont really know me but i actually am sticking up for the person so shhh please
Liked by: Emily Johnson

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

big fun even though its a big thing


Language: English