

Ask @Mecmusic99

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Top 20 people u r friends with that r in the truth and u want to know than better

Lets go top 10 otherwise we'll all sit here reading forever lol. Okay it's
Jasmine, Aliegh, Lindsey, Gween, Karissa, Lianna, Molly, Sumar, Salina, Maddy this is in no specific order just namin' names off the top of my head
Liked by: Salina❤️

I <3 u Megan. I'm ur #1 fan. Love mom Don't ask how I got ur ask or whatever bc u know I'll take 5 years to explain it. Lol

Whoever you are you must be really bored with life rn but ya know that's okay you made me chuckle so lets call it a day :)

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Did you go sleigh riding yet? Any funny things happen?

No and no, but I did have a tackle war with my brothers in the front yard when it snowed *if that even counts*

Who in your life do you wish you’d met sooner?

Molly R. , Kayla W. , they're both really awesome friends that I met within the past two years.

What things do you love?

Polaroid pictures
People with genuine interest
My vintage bike
Roller coasters
Jokes (good ones)
Sad books
Being alone (sometimes)
The beach
Fire Island
The smell of a Bon fire

How to make a woman happy?

Don't call her "woman", respect her. If you don't care about her, then just leave her alone. Don't make her feel worse than she already does. #justsaying
Liked by: Lianna

Do you like dogs?

I don't know, let me ask my border collie Erin. She's helped me with a lot of life problems like this before -_-

When was the last time you fell? Explain :)

It was two weeks ago when I was in a tree at a friends house and we were playing manhunt so they started to shake the tree and as I was falling I hit into like 3 branches and finally fell on the ground face first. It hurt and a rainbow unicorn named paco came and flew me to the hospital where I got a bloody nose! Paco had tissues of course.

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

I don't know, recognize I fell asleep on the couch? Then roll over and go back to sleep because I'm way to lazy to just walk ten feet to my bedroom door and sleep in my bed. Then when everyone else starts waking up, I spread out as much as I can because I know no one else is stepping anywhere near the couch I'm on.


Language: English