
Eric C.

Ask @Megadestructo

Why is it you get awesome in depth questions and I get silly lame sexist questions. LAME!

Honest answer? I think it's because I'm a guy and that's part of the privilege I have. Totally sucks and I'm really sorry you have to deal with that kind of bullshit. :(

Tell me, am I an idiot? I need guidance. I wish to help humanity one day

I would never call someone an idiot (other than myself or my friends). My personal rule of thumb to help is to be excellent to as many people as I can. I fail often despite how hard I try, but I'm willing to look at those failures in the face and try to do better next time.
I believe in everyone's ability to affect positive change in their life which, in turn, creates positivity around them! I don't think you're an idiot and you sound like someone who cares very deeply about gaming (which is awesome). I'm not thrilled you said those things about my friend (much less another human being), but I bet if we were to meet in person and chat we might be able to come to an accord.
Good luck out there! If I can help in any way (even if it's to accept you telling me to fuck off) then let me know.

Isn't it crazy how we landed on the moon, but were fighting over one female that maybe wrong or not, but sparked something bigger, where is the equality? I wish the world was sympathetic.

I do too! Why are we taking people to task for something like this? I think it's gross and an invasion of privacy! I'd like us to land on Mars while we're at it :)

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I'm drunk, bottom line is why jeopardize something that is special and that helps people deal with stress. Over, were not all born with the same state of mind and an escape isn't harming anyone. There's much greater problems in the world, why focus on something they isn't reality?

You can focus on a lot of things at once - this is one of the beauties of the human mind! I think about the tragedies in Syria and the Ukraine. I also worry about the state of racism and sexism in the US and the world. I worry about seeing people like me represented in popular culture and media and I worry about the ants that sometimes get inside my house.
Talking and working on improving one thing doesn't mean you're excluding other important issues either. :)

Heavy lies the crown. Fidelity is stronger than any of your opinions, we need the truth to come to light, why shit on something people come to for enjoyment and a break from their mundane life's. Coming home and becoming the ultimate badass makes me relive stress. It makes you feel like you're some1

I'm definitely not shitting on anyone's enjoyment and if that is what it sounds like then the onus is on me, so clear apologies for that! I play games to relieve stress as well (as well as listen to music, exercise, etc etc) and I think they're one of the best ways to do that.
But I *do* think that AAA games have become homogenous and same-y. I'm not saying I don't enjoy them, but I think having more variety is only awesome. I feel like your interests are represented properly at the moment (lots of games help you feel like an ultimate bad-ass) and that's great! But there are people who'd like to play games that don't necessarily do that and it'd be great if they had greater representation. This doesn't mean removing those, it just means creating MORE awesome games.

It someone is enriched in a game, but they play a game 2 hours aday to relieve stress, are they gamers? Which are now labaled as horny man with no goals in life? I'm just disgusted about how you critics speak about the people, you're just brain? The mindset of 8 gorillan people is worth more than u

I...don't know how to answer this question. Sorry?

Answer me this. What even is the point of all this bullshit about mysoginy that's going on. Isn't being called a gamer just as bad as being called a nigger, the feminist feel like a typical gamer is mysogynst. The term is being abused and really, they're just being labeled as a minority.

The point of recognizing misogyny is because so much of it is hidden, oftentimes unintentionally! As a society, we've been trained that certain views are normal and expected and that includes the commodification of women. I don't agree with the term of "gamer" being bad so I'm not necessarily in that camp but it's clearly not as bad as any other racist term as there aren't hundreds of years of oppression and systematic abuse that go along with it.
But just as you think feminists are generalizing the term gamer, you are generalizing the term feminist. People can be different while sharing many core beliefs that they share (i.e. a love of games or a view that genders should be treated with equal respect and that there is definitely a power-difference between them currently).

What is your opinion on toilet paper orientation?

Eline Muijres
While I am open about most kinds of orientation, there is only one, proper way for toilet paper: over.

Would indie megabooth be offended if a bunch of indies started up their own version of megabooth for PAX? Not with the intent to compete, but because demand is so high for megabooth we can't get in!

I can't answer officially for the IMB, but *personally* no. As long as you don't use the terms Mega or Mini because we have the Indie Minibooth as part of the Megabooth (mostly to avoid confusion).
If someone (perhaps you and your friends) were to make their own space for indie games (since the IMB will always have limitations due to space and budget) then I think that'd be pretty awesome. Indies gotta stick together, right?

What is your favorite word?

I'll tell you what it's not (having established this with the rest of the IMB crew at GDC): turgid, engorged, nor flaccid. Those three are, basically, the worst.

I see you advocated for a Megabooth HQ last year after East. Is that something that will get revisited after this year, or is it just infeasible?

It's definitely on the docket but that will mean it's taking a space away from a developer to show their cool-ass game.

Language: English