
Megan Beaumont

When you are in a mood with someone, how long does this mood usually last?

To be honest it really depends on the person,

If it's my boyfriend a few days or so
Friends depends on what but however long needs be
Parents not long at all to be honest

Latest answers from Megan Beaumont

How's everyone's weekend been? What did you do this weekend? Can you describe your ideal weekend?

My weekend only started today but I finished work and went and collected my god daughter and took her out for a bit and brought her back ton my house and we are currently laying in my bed while she's fast asleep and I'm wide awake! Other then that I have nothing planned other then my first driving lesson!
My perfect weekend would be with my god daughter in the sun just playing and having fun!

When was the last time someone told you they were proud of you? Why were they proud of you? When was the last time you told someone you were proud of them and why were you proud of them?

It was about 20 minutes ago! They were telling me they were proud of me for finally realising how toxic someone I thought the world of is and for finally having the strength to get up and kick them out my life and calming down my drinking game and focusing on things that needed to be.
I last told someone I was proud of them yesterday for getting a job and finally changing there life around x

In what ways have you changed since you were a child? Not just age wise but personality ect.

As a child I had no care in the world, was so confident and bubbly and I just seen the good in everything. Where as now I'm quite shy, worry about everything and am constantly on edge and I focus on the negitives in life

Why is it so easy for us to hate and complain about life, rather than enjoy it and love it?

Because all us humans ever do is look at the negitive things in our life's and we focus on the bad things and just forgot about all the positive things and blessings we has around us. We pick at each other's weaknesses instead of there strengths are. The world is just a fuck up

Who were the first 3 people you remember getting to know on this website? Do you still speak to them? What made you decide to get to know them?

Jessie, yourself and Shannen
I started speaking to Jessie because of reasons back then and youself and Shannen just seemed like nice girls and I don't really speak to anyone from here anymore other then yourself when I need advice x

What have you learned from talking to men? What have you learned from talking to women?

That a lot of boys talk shit and a lot of girls are just there to be nosey or sly

Have you ever questioned your sexuality? If so what made you question it? If not, how did you know 100% that your sexuality is the one you say it is?

I don't think anyone can ever be 100% sure they are straight/gay ect because you don't know who you are going to fall in love with one day but as of right now if someone asked me I would be straight because I've only ever been attracted to boys :) x

How's everyone's day been today? My mother cooked us all a Full Scottish for breakfast then we tidied the front garden and Williams currently napping. Is the weather good where you are too?

I received this question 11 months ago and I don't have a clue what I was doing back then but today I'm currently laying on the sofa signed off from work watching telly with my dog x

If you apologise for something does that then make what you said/done okay? Why/why not?

No not at all, once you've said/done something that needs to be apologised for you know it's wrong and I know we make mistakes but saying sorry with help but only time works

Language: English