

Ask @Meggan6

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Why did you go to school?!

Because like I said I didn't want to be at home with my family and family friends sad and talking about my dad. I wanted to see my friends that I (at the time) haven't seen in 2 days and just talk to them. I know they were there for me. They know what i was going though with going though it with me and I think that was a good thing. Plus it was a potluck so there was food and our secret Santa was that day too. Now I know that might sound crazy but for me that was the best thing I could have done. Nothing made me happier then seeing my closest friends because they're there for me.

Was it hard to get back to your life after he died?

That night We (my mom, sisters, and I) went to my aunt & uncles house. Hung out with them and my cousins. That definitely helped. Then as CRAZY as this may sound the next day (Thursday) I went to school! At home so many people came with flowers and talked about my dad & I just didn't want to be in that environment. At school I was happy being around my friends because they are really important to me! And you should have seen how happy and surprised everyone was to see me! They all hugged me and said how I was so brace for doing that!♥️ That really helped get over the sadness and just made me feel a little better about the situation

What happened to your dad don't want to upset you just wanna know

It's okay don't mind talking about it.
So my dad had ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's disease). He got diagnosed with it October 2009. The normal amount of time to live is 2-3 years. My dad lived 5 years (and 2 months) with ALS. Over the 5 years he lost his ability to walk so he had a cane, then a wheelchair that he could move with his hand so no one had to push him. He also lost his voice so it got hard to understand him for friends who only stopped once and a while. I was with him all day so I could understand more then most people. My family had to look into a type of communication for my dad so that he could still talk to his friends and family - so he got a computer then a tablet after that. It would say what he typed out (which was pretty cool). My dad also lost lost the ability to walk because ALS kills your nerve cells. So he couldn't walk or move, which means that he couldn't feed himself. The summer of 2014 things started to get worst and we needed to get more equipment to help him and his everyday life. December 15th my dad went to the hospital just because of the state he was in. (A little personal to share on ask but text me if you want to know anon aha) He was doing good and the doctors thought that maybe he could even come home for Christmas which was like the next week ish. He was in the hospital until Wednesday (2 days) which felt like forever. Anyways on Wednesday his whole body ran out of water so even if he tried to cry nothing would happen. Around 1 my dad started to get super pale and my mom said she felt different about him and that she knew something was going to happen. So my mom came and got my sisters and I and the family that was at the hospital. We all went in the hospital room and said "I love you" for little did I know was the last time I would get to in person. Around 1:30 the doctors said that nothing should be breathing for my dad and so they took him off life support which was breathing for him. I don't remember what I exactly said or did, but all I remember was I cried more than talked because I couldn't believe it was actually happening. Also watching him take his last breath and go completely white. He was gone and there was nothing I could do but cry. Still remember that day perfectly and all of our memories. I still miss him everyday❣ 12.17.14👼🏽 - Don't want to upset anyone by this but anon was curious, so there you go.

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Best thing that happened today ??

I was kind of a year ago and the total opposite of "best thing". One year ago I held my fathers hand for the last time. The last time I got the talk to him. He was such an inspiration to so many people. An amazing father, friend, husband and son! He was the man so many looked up to and went to for something because he had everything including an awesome daughter🏼 He's 'hysterical' jokes followed by he's contagious laugh cheered so many people up even on their worst days! He'll always be in my heart and so many others♥️12.17.14👼🏽

Language: English