

Ask @Melindacoglows

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How many times should I ask a girl out before giving up? We are coworkers and I have asked her on a date 8 times since January 1, all with rejections. She is cute though so how many more times to keep going?

harassing others is not fun. Don't do it & don't send questions to me thank you bye.

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Digital books or real books which do you prefer?

HellcatLover’s Profile PhotoHey Leroy
Real books ~ You'll always want it around for studying(after or before school) and final completions

I'm originally from Florida but went to college in Massachusetts and I'm currently living here, but I hate it so much. I feel like I don't belong here. I miss Miami, I miss the beach, the palm trees, the sun. Everything here is cold and depressing, including the people. Should I go back home?

No unless something unnecessarily happens make new friends, start conversations to see where that brings you 😘

I stay eating cake and dessert. I'm never going to lose weight this way but I can't help it, I'm craving it every day. Could I be addicted to sugar?

There's always tea of any kind with ice added ...or (Cup of Water with fruit add 1 or 2 ice cubes / or Cup of water with raw plantain add 1 or 2 ice cubes)
Liked by: jj3dd

Language: English