
Melissa Adamson

Ask @MelissaAdamson16

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ho on your crush?

Ooo my crush is the best thing to ever happen to me. He is the most caring, smart, beautiful and genuine guy you'll ever meet. Even though we are in a long distance relationship it has made us the strongest couple and makes us appreciate the time we actually spend together so much more special. Everyday I'm with him we create many memorable memories. We have had many ups and downs but at the end of each argument and fight we have we manage to sort it out and come together. I want to spend the rest of my life with him and wouldn't change him for the world ❤️❤️❤️
I love you my beautiful crush 🙊🙊

It was rileys birthday today what did you's do? Something cute ?

He is currently in Tasmania still and I couldn't get down so I have to wait until he comes home in a month to see him and give him a slobbery kiss and give him his presents X

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Do you want any tattoos if so where do you want them and do you want any piercings if so which ones do you want

I hate tattoos so I don't want any
And I don't want anymore piercings then what I have ☺️


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