
Merna Yousri

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What things should you never tell your parents?

about alot of things i can't talk with him about it .. Because i love him so much :( i aplogize for u

Liiih lma bn72p 7d awii biiT8yr 3Liina :/ hwa da l.7up !??

la m4 hwa da l 7up ps lw at8ir 3leek yp'a m4 py7bk ya ema 4af 8irk .. W nsy7a mny ru7 2s2lu a7sn w mt7yr4 nfck

اللهم اكتب لنا من أنفاس هذا الصباح خيراً نعلمه ورزقاً نكتسبه و بشارة نسعد بها

اللهم آمين يارب العالمين


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