

I know you like Transformers a lot; have you even seen Beast Wars?

I have watched some episodes.
and I had a toy from the series, but it wasn't any of the may characters.

Latest answers from Meta

Si no existieran las tecnicalidades frustrantes de Pokemon competitivo (IVs e EVs y naturalezas), jugarias mas en ese formato? o ya juegas competitivo?

seguro asi jugaria mas online.
En mi opinión, el competitivo le quita toda la gracia al juego.

Hasta que punto toleras los musculos en una persona? Me refiero a tamaño

No me gustan super enorme, cuando la cabeza empieza a ser consumida por los musculos

When did you first become interested in muscular people? Is it a different time for muscular men and muscular women, or both at once?

I think it started with Youtube years ago.
I found videos of muscular girls girl when looking for pokemon videos for some reason.
For dudes Is a bit recently i think

Language: English