
Matt Cameron

Ask @MetalMattMon

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What are you looking forward to most?

Well if I'd answered this when it was asked I'd have said Lizzie coming, but as of now that is moving into my new flat tomorrow!!! :D

If you had to choose, would you go to the Light or the Dark side?

Dark side no question, I get sex AND force lightening, not necessarily in that order

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hey matt fucking message me sometime -jack

Seriously though mate, you're one of my most long standing friends and I love you to bits, if you want to talk just drop me a mail and I'll reply when I'm free too. Sometimes I forget though, and that's my bad

Seriously, how did you become so deluded?

Lol, nice fleshed out point you make there mister creepy anon. Gotta say, the fact you keep coming back really only swells my ego more, after all, I'm so wonderful I'm always on your mind and I don't even think of you.

and if it's not who you think? if you're actually a blinkered, fedora-style alienating moron rather than the intellectual freedom fighter you're clearly dying to be? it's not up to you to run the world or control what people do and how they think.

If it's not then the rest of my points still stand, and it makes what you're saying funny instead of creepy. Just because I was wrong in my assumption doesn't devalue anything else I've said.
I'm not close minded, I just don't accept anything without evidence, because I'm not gullible.
You got that right, I do want to fight for the rights of others, helping people is my greatest love in life. I'm also rather smart yes, but it took years of people telling me that before I accepted it, so forgive me if I'm proud of a label my loved ones assigned me.
Someone has to run the world, why not me, I really couldn't do a worse job than those in the seat already, and I've never told people what to think, only argued my case and pointed out holes in the logic of others, and I challenge you to prove otherwise.

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you're likening being religious to a man wilfully burning himself? Anyone who doesn't think or behave like you is "harming themselves through poor decisions"?

I'm going to wait until the penny drops that religion, to this day, provokes people to commit self immolation...
No, anyone whose beliefs impact negatively either on their quality of life or the quality of life of other people is "harming themselves through poor decisions". If this is who I think it is, fuck off you creep, I already said I want nothing to do with you.

So your only reason for interfering in everyone else's business/telling people what to do and how to live is your own deep-seated sense of superiority?

No, I tell people what I think is best because I like to help people. I would tell a man sticking his face in a fire that he's being an idiot, so why not everyone else who are harming themselves through poor decisions??

Will humans ever live on another planet?

Yes, if we don't suicide ourselves or get wiped out by some form of cosmic death ray/projectile.

you "know better than the vast majority of people"? you "show people up" with your superior intellect? you're a daft wee boy who fell out the big old autism tree and got gang-fucked in the bowels by every last branch on the way down. sort your own affairs out before telling EVERYONE how to live.

My affairs are sorted, I'm not autistic and you can't tell me what to do.
Anything else Mr Hater, or are you just going to keep telling me how stupid I am, because honestly your baseless attacks are only making you look petty and foolish.
I'd ask you to come off anon, but we both know you don't have the stones ;)
Happy mothers day!!

Are Tam and Mairi related? I've been told their not

Well I asked Mhairi once if she was Tam's wee sister and she said aye, asked Tam the same thing once, he said aye, anything further than that I don't give a fuck about, as far as I'm concerned they're siblings.
If you're really that bothered ask them, otherwise you should stay out of their family business.

What's the best thing you ever cooked?

If you mean what's the most difficult thing I've ever cooked that would be strawberry tarts, because backing is a fucking mission for me, if you mean the tastiest it would have to be my chilli, I make a delicious chilli.

Why are you so insufferable and hellbent on telling people how to live their lives?

Because I know better than the vast majority of people out there. I'm not saying they need to do as I say, but just because some people ignore me doesn't mean I'm going to stop. Plenty of people appreciate my advice, so yeah ;)
I also have a strong feeling this is in reference to me calling religion retarded all the time, in which case, you just mad because there's no god lololololol.

What kind of dish can you make/cook?

Basic meats and veg prepared in typical assortments, it's the spices that make or break any mean though so I don't really mind. I can do what I know and I know what I can do and I'm happy with that, love learning new recipes though :D

What fashion brand can you not live without?

I wish people who made branded fashion would arrange themselves in a massive line in Milan and commit fucking hari kiri.


Language: English