

Ask @MiKiyahG

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How many missions have you and yo thot friend erial been on ?

Me and her don't hang no more. And what makes you call her a thot?

Would you sell your soul to the devil to keep your mother alive ( she is dying of cancer )

No, when it's my mom's time she'll go to heaven and one day ill meet her there

Would you like a person with material things or a person who treats you right ?

Definitely a person who treats me right because not all material things last forever but my feelings about that person just might

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Do you like your name?

Yes, I love my name because I dont know anyone else who has my name so it makes me feel unique.

What's the longest you've gone without accessing the internet?

I think about 2 days. i cant really go any longer than that. i must have the internet. i really cant live without it.

If you were to give someone a tour of your hometown, where would you take them first?

I would take them to all of my hangouts.

Language: English