
Michelle Joy

Ask @MichelleJoy_7177

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i like your lips. look like u put lipsticks but u din right?

lmao thanks. ya its natural but no i dont look like i put lipsticks

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is the next message the person send after "I do miss you" is "I'm joking" LOL

you think that way bc thats the kind of messages you get all the time and thats pretty fucking sad

i ask post the kid account not your instagram account

but how the hell ik the kid? i said its probably a kid idk for sure if its a kid

do u have fans?

sry 2 months late bc i didnt know how to reply but i think i have one small kid fan HAHAHAH. i never accept the request in my spam so he/she angry ady HAHAHAH omg

i got follow u on twitter

ok lol. after the event only we'll create an ig to post pics, rn we havent create yet

plot twist LOL you said it was bryan wong dat u wan 2 kill and later u ans "if i say marry bryanL then the question will be u 2 still tgt.." so which bryan are u talking about lol bryanL then say bryanL la y go say bryan wong

plot twist i like bryan wong go fuck yourself. if i say bryan means bryan lee la if i said bryan wong then bryan wong la dumb bitch go ask your mom why she give birth to you pls

then why u said u want to kill him

lol wth if i say i wanna marry him then guess what the qns will be "r u guys still tgt?" "u still like him?" and shit & its v annoying????

y you wan tu kill brayan lee ?

lmfao HAHA u think i rly go kill bryan lee ah. u wan me to kill him, i kill myself first ok shut the fuck up

He was ur boyfie last time and how can you kill him now? Have u forgot Bryan was once your everything?

huh which bryan. i was never with bryan wong HAHAHAH lol bitch do ur research


Language: English