

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?

probably tell a couple of people everything that ever bugged me. Then I'd probably take a shitload of sleeping pills and keep matters into my own hands.

Latest answers from Michelrpg

Which room do you spend the most time in in your house?

Living room, but my appartment is like, 80% living room anyway.

Varför tycker många nuförtiden att det ska heta "vart bor du" istf "var bor du"?

this question doesn't translate well in dutch or english so I have no answer to it.

Vad är det absolut bästa du någonsin har gjort i ditt liv?

hard to say. Helping friends in need financially when they needed it. Being a decent person I guess. Not being a disappointment to my parents?

Ska mannen vara skäggig eller renrakad?

Going to answer in english since my swedish is non-existant:
Men should have whatever they very well please. I have some facial hair but I prefer to be shaven. Not a fan of body hair.

Do you have or want a tattoo? What and where?

I used to want one of Iron Maiden's "brave new world" cd cover (Eddie holding the planet), with my football club's logo inside, years ago. But right now, I don't feel like getting one. Dont have one, no real desire to get one anymore either.

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

I had the annoying tendency to fall in love with a person very fast, and out of love very slowly. Though I havent actually "fallen" for someone in nearly 1,5 years now. So I have that going for me, which is nice.

Which are your favorite works of art?

The Scream, by Edvard Munch. And "The Persistance of Time" by Salvador Dali.

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

if I HAD to make a choice, I'd go for lone genius. I don't desire to be one of those jersey shore idiots.

Language: English