

Ask @Mifitchifie

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Why scare people ask anonymous question ? Coward

lol aren't the ones asking anonymously the actual cowards?

thoughts ❤ mifitchifie is actually q hard to spell HAHA BUT super unique !! i wonder whats the story between mifitchifie, mefelifassa (IDK HOW TO SPELL AHAHA) & mefegsifie 😂 idk how u guys can come up w such awesome names damn 😭 & u can be colgate's ambassador SIA ur teeth is so white i cannot 😂

Samantha7772’s Profile Photo|| ßamänthá ||
my teeth too fat to become Colgate ambassador 😂😂

3 things I like about you: 1. Sampat like me 2. Always say "sorry"😂🌚 3. You're short yet cute 😘

Abuthen’s Profile Photovodka
how is saying sorry nice lol and you finally admit I'm cute 🌚🌚💞
Liked by: vodka

3 things I like about U 1. ure vvv nice and friendly HEHE 🐣🙆 2. GORG AND pretty im not even kiddin 😍😭 my nvshen !! 3. your teeth and ur smile i cannot 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😚

Samantha7772’s Profile Photo|| ßamänthá ||
hahahaha so sweet omg thank you 🙈💞 I not-so-secretly have this huge crush on joongki too just btw 🙊
Liked by: || ßamänthá ||

3 things I like about you 🌸 ur laughter idk it's so amusing 😂😂 🌸 ur brain girl ur brain 🌸 friendly asf meow 🙆💖

ChristinaMegan’s Profile Photochristina
so self conscious haha thanks 🙆🏻
Liked by: christina

3 things i suka tentang kau- kau bersikap cb( jk you're really nice(not)) 1. you're kind 2. you're a joke 3. you smart, I know you're gonna disagree with me on this but besides you being smart you have the persistence to work on your weak points so just accept my statement bruh kau pandai cb 👶🏿

AlaNxNalA’s Profile PhotoAlan
what happened to my jokes and my cuteness???
Liked by: || ßamänthá ||

Likers get WAYTM - senior senior 💕 pls selfie more and put on your sc story 😂 cuz you loooook soooooo prettay 😂 jiayou for spm but take care of your health too okay 🌚 don't sleep late ✨ I'm gonna miss you guys next year 😭

Peilingisme’s Profile Photopëiling✨
omg so paiseh now hahahaha thankyouthankyou 😂 aiyer what is spm? what is health? what is sleep? 💩 I'm gonna miss you too 😭 wait until I can drive then we can 🌚🌚


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