
Mikaela Harrison

Ask @Mikaela6921

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What is the most important thing in a relationship?

Trust. 100%. There's no possible way you can be in a relationship with a person if you can't trust them because you're not always going to be able to be by there side, watching over their shoulder, making sure they don't do anything wrong, you HAVE to be able to trust.

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What can’t be bought with money?

My love. One guy can give me the world and everything in it with an okay personality and the other could give me nothing but his time with an AMAZING personality; and with out a doubt, I'd choose the second guy❤

Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

I'm not really worried about the zoo, I just wanna know if its legal to keep a cheetah in my house?❤❤❤❤ #lalaloveeeeee

What's up with you and Lilly?

Well, we're OBVIOUSLY not friends anymore& by the way she's judging me and bringing up old things, I'm almost positive we never were friends. Long story short I left something at her house she "lost it", wouldn't bring it to me, finally brought it back BROKEN, then had the audacity to tell me some bullshit about my relationship, which was somewhat true, but she twisted done shit to keep her friend from looking like a whore. Sooooo, yeah. That's it.

You and Johnny are to cute c;

Thank you! I'm glad to hear someone doesn't think im "stuck up his ass." LMFAO. But thankkk you so much. Who is this?


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