

Ask @MikaruNoel

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Whoever looks on Ask these days, happy vacation days (christmas/new year and so on.) D:

ShindaBaka’s Profile PhotoDontBrownieMir
Oh, I wasn't on in forever. I'm sorry, but happy late new year!
(I dislike this new design and all |D)
Liked by: LukBlock

@regaljoe asks, "What item from your childhood do you wish you could find again?"

There was a little pillow in the form of a bird I got in kindergarten to my birthday.
I liked it a lot back then and it reminds me right now of my grandmother. I wish I could find it again someday just to look at it and remember the old times.

ok xD da du komplett in eine andere Richtung denkst kann ichs nicht als falsch werten aber mich würde interessieren wieso du glaubst das sie nicht zu ruhe kommen würde (Ps.die erwartet Antwort wäre kissen)

Naja, ich denke halt, im Schlaf träumen wir, am Tag zerbrechen wir uns den Kopf nur um dann am Abend vor Gedanken nicht einschlafen zu können. ^^'' Irgendwas hält einen immer wach.

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speed quis "Zwischen den Träumen und der Realität befindet sich das ruhe lager der Seele" Was ist das ruhe lager der Seele?

Das Nichts. Es gibt vielleicht nicht einmal eine Seele und selbst wenn es eine geben würde, so würde sie niemals zur Ruhe kommen. Das denke ich.

What's your favorite day of the week?

Was funny thinking about this. First thursday and saturday popped up in my head, then I thought a bit and was like: "I also like sunday." xD

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

I just turn around a lot in my bed, get up and take a manga to read, walk around... xD Yeah. xDD

What would animals say to us if they could talk?

"You're stupid. Gimme my food and leave me alone." <--- My cat basically. xD

Are you allergic to anything?

Yes, I have problems with some fruits. ^^'' For example I will never be able to drink orange juice.
As soon as it touches my lips they start to feel like their burning and only few hours after my lips are
torn. TuT It is a pain.

Who are the people you spend the most time with?

They are nice Anime, Manga and Game loving people. We write the funniest stuff together and laugh our asses of a lot of the time, but also have hour long discussions over some topics and get from super sad to really happy in some conversations. The people I spend most of the time with are my sister and my very close friends from real life and the internet. Without them something would be missing. You always manage to make me happy when I'm sad. You listen to me and care about what I say.
Thank you for being my friends. You don't know how much you all matter to me.
I hope we'll have many more great years together my friends.
Liked by: Kuro

Xbox or PlayStation?

I don't actually care about this. ^^'' I think it's stupid to argue over this.

If you could visit anywhere on holiday where would you go?

Anywhere? QuQ I'd visit Japan, Italy, America, England and so many more countries. x3

If you could draw happiness, what would it look like?

Happy people at a festival having fun with their families and friends.

What does true friendship mean to you?

For me a good friend is someone I can tell anything, who's there when you need them and when they make you feel good again/ make you laugh although you felt like dirt just seconds before.
Liked by: Lemon

If you could be invisible for a day, what would your do?

xD Omg, nothing good that's for sure, but actually nothing too evil, either. UuU
Liked by: Lemon

Do-nut be sad. Sad iz not gud. Only gud iz 2 be happy. Dun wurry, be happy.

Who wrote this? XD It made me smile, so thank you. ^^''
I'm worrying so much about future stuff these days and friends and think I'm beeing a burden to many people again. I guess it's the stress and situation in general. I feel like I'm loosing friends again that I hold dear. Still thank you very much. This made me smile. ^^

If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out?

I would grab my cat and tell my family to leave the house as fast as possible, too.

Do you prefer very spicy or non-spicy food?

I do like some kinds of curry that are not too spicy, but in general prefer non-spicy food. ~

If you could control nature, which element would you choose? Why?

Wind, for no real reason. I just like it. ~


Language: English