
ghetto goof

Ask @MikasMubbins

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why isn't it mikasmuffins instead? i think youve got the muffins to do so

hahaha that's class! but no, i like mubbins :)

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Can I hug you Ms. Beautiful?

I haven't got a clue who this Ms.Beautiful is so you'd have to settle with a hug from me :-)

Yeah we've spoken on here before, No we haven't met. Clue 5: I have a thing about being far away from "The machine" but not machines in general...I tweet about it alot

i am so dumb i still haven't a clue, are you a boy? how recently have you mentioned me?

Really I thought that was a give away and you asked if i looked at you for your reply about why you thought you'd never get a love note....and I answered yes i need inspiration, as you inspired it...clue 4: we've mentioned each other recently

awwh and have you talked to me on here before? and do you know me personally? as in met me before?

Clue 3: I should really be doing this outside don't ya think? (this clue is a reference to what you probably know me as) Xx

i still have no idea, clue 4?xx

I have looked at you, I need inspiration every now and then ya know? xx Clue 2: I tweet wayyyy to much about shit that noone cares aboout x x

huh? and so do i xx

A) Why didn't you think you'd get one? and B) Clue one, I play music for a living. Xx

cos.. look at me. and okay clue 2?xx

You know, And there is nothing wrong with an anonymous love note, I'd kill to receive one....If I give you a clue each question ask who you think it is, I'll be honest. Pinky swear

i never thought i'd recieve one, and yeah sure, BRING ON THE CLUES x

Yeah, We've spoken. But alot of people on earth have. Can I ask why my identity is so important to you? <3

clever :p and you can't write a cute as fuck paragraph to me and not expect me to ask who you are? tell meee:-( xx

you probably already know, you're just you know questioning it, racking your mind. xxxx

have i talked to you before?xx

I really wish I was closer to you, distance wise. Cause see I don't think theres much I can do without seeing love in your eyes, the further I push myself the harder i hit the floor, but remember after all this it's someone just like you I'm looking for <3XxxxX<3

is this a song? or?


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