
Mikes Steven Gwenaël Clovis

Ask @MikesSteven

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Can you leave your native land and move to another city for the sake of a loved one?

A very big YES!! ???☃️❄
Can you leave your native land and move to another city for the sake of a loved

¿iPhone o Android?

iPhone? (iOS, do u mean?)
Both, I use an iPad & a Samsung Galaxy Note. Even I still have 3 BlackBerry smartphones (BB OS), a Nokia C6 (Symbian OS), & another Nokia phone (Java OS). hahaa

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One thing that differentiates you from other people??

I might not be the smartest nor the strongest, but I am THE MOST PERSISTENT. ?

Menurut lo, orang yg berhemat karena dia biayain hidupnya pake uang sendiri mskipun masih tinggal sm ortu gmn sih? ya meski uangnya jg cukup sbnrnya buat foya2.

The real "anak muda jaman now"! Awesome! ?

Is it easier to forgive or forget?

Something unforgivable is hard to forget. However, FORGIVING is the best way for something unforgettable. ☺️

buat para cowo usia 23 tahun keatas, apa yang diliat si dari seorang cewe untuk dijadikan pasangan?

Read this, girl! ?
buat para cowo usia 23 tahun keatas apa yang diliat si dari seorang cewe untuk

Do you think intelligence given more importance over beauty ?

In my opinion, life must be in balance.
If intelligence and beauty have a scale of 1 to 10; I prefer 8 for both, or 7 & 8 for each - but not 3 & 9 as well as 8 & 2.

Do you think someone likes you and if you know for a fact they do ,, do you like them backkkk????

So, do u like me?haha

What is the best way to learn a foreign language? Do you speak any?

Hmm, by learning from (language) books, dictionaries, videos on youtube, songs, movies, etc.
Yes, I do.

Sir yang bener?!

Iyes lah, anak orang itu ? (and bisa jadi jodoh orang lain juga yg cuma jadi cameo kwkwk)
Believe me, I want to. But, I just want to marry her first. It's just one rule I want to leave unbroken. I know it's not a modern notion.
I'm an old school. I may steal a kiss, but only after asking her dad's permission at the altar. I will get down on one knee, and I will present her with a ring. ?
+2 answers in: “Menurut kalian first kiss di pelaminan masih dipertimbangkan penting ato engga? Tolong jelasin coz i found it normal to some people”

If your previous gf/bf wanted to get back together with you and have a fresh start would you?

Having no experience and no thoughts, so I'll go to "no comment". It's up to you then.


Language: English