

Ask @MikeyyCyrus

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name 5 people you miss talking to on tengaged

lilfamous, soccerismyli3e, yankees, helencoops, kizzi, gothiczebra, vitamin and more

Discribe your perfect boyfriend.

Not too masc not too fem, cute smile, cute hair, lean or muscular, good fashion sense, goal oriented, smart, same interests as me, a little bit older, idk theres more but yeah

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Do you like being alone?

No not really. I prefer a little alone time, but I mostly like being around my friends and family,

if your bf was ignoring you what would you do?

Get naked to get his attention ;) jk I'd tell him to get his shit together or its done

ok wtf is your problem? alls i asked was if you're a top or bottom and you're being super bitchy about it

bitch bye


Language: English