
Miki Disman

Ask @MikiDisman

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??What would you say to your young self and why?

Dont do drugs dumbass, stop smoking, be more active, give a shit about school

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is there anyone that you want back in your life?

there are many people i want back in my life, but they dont seem to want to come back

What is your reason to keep fighting and survive?

the woman i love and have always loved, and at this point just to spite exsistance itself

How can you be confident with how you look?

im not, i fake confidence and gas myself up but in truth i think im pretty ugly

How do you behave yourself with people you don't like?

i act calmly, even pleasantly at times just because i wish not to fight anymore, i did it too much

i really wanna know more about your personality/ What are your secrets?

if you wish to know then message me, i dont reveal secrets to everyone, only friends get to know thinks about me

What makes you feel afraid?

very little, but being alone, and not just physically, but losing everyone and being absolutely alone....again

What gift will you never forget?

i got two bracelets and a bunch of notes from a woman i love to this day, i will never forget that

If you would meet someone in reality from ask fm..what would you tell her? Mayb she can be ur crush.. Or u can..

it really all depends on who it is, maybe if i was messaged privately it could be discussed differently

Why do drivers violate the traffic rules? ??

because they are stupid, aggravating and constricting, most have no solid reasoning

What activities do you prefer? What would you like to learn to play or ride? ??????

i like paintball, recreational hard drug use, i would like to learn to ride dirt bikes and shit like that

Who's your favourite female character?

like tv or movie? tv is Jo from supernatural, movie is tauriel from the hobbit


Language: English