
Crew Poston

Nah nothing about me is dirty. Dirty d is just a slut that seriously needs to die, I tell her all the time on this stupid ask but she never answers me i seriious don't understand why you or anyone likes her

People like her probably cause she doesn't go around anonymously and tell people to kill themselves. She's not a slut. I can't say anything about you cause I don't know you. But could you stop.
Think about your actions and how they affect others.
Imagine if people told your sibling or best friend that. Constantly.
Then.. What if they did... How would you feel if someone special to died because of one anonymous opinion? You don't understand why anyone likes her because you don't understand the concept of love and friendship.
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Latest answers from Crew Poston

If someone told others to block you and they listened to them and did as they said so, would you be bothered by it or frustrated that they listened to someone who clearly doesn’t like you?

I’d accept it. Sometimes you just have to realize where you stand in someone’s priorities. It’s sucks, but that’s how it is.

I am legitimately leaving. You don’t take me seriously but I don’t blame you.

I have no idea who this is, but okay.

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