
Crew Poston

I don't think it's weird that you're happy when you're around me. I think it a normal reaction to being with your best friend. I get happy when im with you too, so don't worry about those people saying it's weird. They have no idea. On top of that. Andy knows how close we are and he doesn't care.

Thank you..

Latest answers from Crew Poston

If someone told others to block you and they listened to them and did as they said so, would you be bothered by it or frustrated that they listened to someone who clearly doesn’t like you?

I’d accept it. Sometimes you just have to realize where you stand in someone’s priorities. It’s sucks, but that’s how it is.

I am legitimately leaving. You don’t take me seriously but I don’t blame you.

I have no idea who this is, but okay.

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