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Latest answers from MilliePage†♥☺

Explain your thoughts on self harms?

I think there is a big stereotype that its girls or teenage girls but that's not true it can be anyone and everyone, it can be boys, girls - any age, any social group. I have heard a lot of things and I have heard that people self harm for 'attention' that's not true. I think there is a huge lack of support and understanding from pupils; When people find out that its someone in their class or their year has been self harming they just laugh about it or dismiss it instead of showing any concern or directing them towards the help that they actually need. A lot of people do recognise this but if someone is self harming there is going to be an emotional or mental reason behind it. Some people self harm as away of coping with the problems they are facing like a coping mechanism. Just because you can't see a problem that someone's having doesn't mean it's not there.

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Who is the happiest person you know?

Nell Joyce, Chloe Hawley, Chloe Pycock they always seem to be smiling

Language: English