

Ask @MilliePage349

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Explain your thoughts on self harms?

I think there is a big stereotype that its girls or teenage girls but that's not true it can be anyone and everyone, it can be boys, girls - any age, any social group. I have heard a lot of things and I have heard that people self harm for 'attention' that's not true. I think there is a huge lack of support and understanding from pupils; When people find out that its someone in their class or their year has been self harming they just laugh about it or dismiss it instead of showing any concern or directing them towards the help that they actually need. A lot of people do recognise this but if someone is self harming there is going to be an emotional or mental reason behind it. Some people self harm as away of coping with the problems they are facing like a coping mechanism. Just because you can't see a problem that someone's having doesn't mean it's not there.

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What annoys you the most about school?

- top buttons done up
- sarcastic teachers
- the finger scan pay thing
- you have to keep your blazer on all the time
- house competitions
- assembly's
- how girls bitch behind everyone's back
- boys who think they can get any girl
- the toilets
- people who get changed in the toilets and not the changing rooms -I mean wtf?
- teachers who teach things that you will never need in life
- how everyone just judges you
- gossip and rumours spread really quickly
- assessments
- that you can't eat in the drama block, uh why?
- tutor buddies
- girls who wear see-through leggings in dance
- people who chuck food at you
- boys who just talk about porn
- the school rank
- how the more 'popular' people have actually no reason to be popular
- the corridors
- tutor quizzes
- learning challenge
- how people expect YOU to move
- one way corridoors
- student reception
- the grumpy reception lady
- how first aid people never believe you
- PE detentions for just forgetting your white socks
- you have like 3 secs before the bell and you are still not aloud to pack up
- people don't accept you if you are gay/lesbian/bisexual
And more >

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Girls in your year you want to be like ? ?

I want to be as sporty as Amelia Chappell
I want to have Nina Podmoores eyes
I want to be flexible like Chloe Pycock
I want to be able to dance like Chloe Hawley
I want to be creative like Evie Rowls
I want to have long legs like Jess Mcque
I want to have teeth like Shania Montagne Longue
I want to be able to do eyeliner like Holly Withyman
I want to have natural beauty like Jasmine Grimes
I want to be caring like Lucy Bushrod
I want to be wise like Georgia Dash
I want to be able to sing like Kelsie Carter
I want to be able to draw like Martha (don't know her last name)
I want to be funny like Harriet Allgrove-Ralph
I want to be confident like Tyla Cozens
I wan to have dress sense like Gemma Chorlton
I want to have hair like Molly Ryley
I want to be imaginative like Becca Zicking
I want to be kind like Becca Scott
I want to be brave like Kate Dempsey
I want to be chatty like Maddie Lenny
I wan to be friendly like Paige Gregory
I want to have eyebrows like Ruby Harvey
I want to have school shoes like Macey Freeman
I want to have a laugh like Mollie Challice
I want to have self confidence like Caitlin Filer
I want to have a smile like Amy Procter
Any many more :p

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the most hilarious video of him is with the harries twins! Gahd! i became addicted to them after watching that video! XD

Omg same!:oooo
"Jacks gap, jacks gap, five minutes of your life that you won't get back!":'D
Liked by: G De Vera♥


Language: English