

Ask @Millierawrz

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2. Cinderella: How many siblings do you have? How do you get on with your sisters (or brothers)? If you are an only child would you have liked to have siblings?

I have an older brother and an older half sister.
My mum is technically still married (she's going through a divorce) so I have two step brothers too
I don't really get along with my brother whatsoever but I get along with my sister really well, it's just that she's at university at the other end of the country so we don't see each other a lot

Disney Princesses theme. Some of the questions are not great, sorry. 1. Snow White: How do you get on with the adults in your life, parents, grandparents, etc?

I'm not very close to my mother or any of her side of the family. They're very overbearing and pretty racist so.
I'm pretty close to my dad though

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damn ! i missed the opportunity of talking to the cutest girl on earth :'(

Sucks that i'm not a girl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

lol why ?u don't have a kik?

Unless it is on my profile then no I don't have it or I don't give it out to people.

hey what pronouns do you prefer? ^_^

I'm sort of ok with he/him because I identify as male most of the time but they/them is usually the better option

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

I don't actually sleep that much on a night and I tend to be ridiculously productive at about 3am and it's the worst because my brain is like "YEAH LET'S LEARN THE ATTACK ON TITAN OPENING ON VIOLIN AND WAKE EVERYONNNNNNNE UP"

dying of thirst < hanging *

Coming from someone who had to stay in hospital for a few weeks when I was a kid due to severe dehydration I really would not fancy sitting in a room and letting that kill me

The problem isn't that Asking Alexandria have a new vocalist, it's that you still listen to them

I really don't understand the people who try and start drama over someone else's tastes in music because really if you hate an artist or a band the logical thing to do would be not listen to them and not talk about them.
It's like you're trying to validate your own taste in music by putting other people down for theirs or trying to start something over it and it's ridiculously childish. You listen to whatever you want to listen to and i'll listen to what I want to listen to. It's not an issue whatsoever until people with no understanding of what an opinion is try and make it into one.

hello if you get this, you are awesome and beautiful/handsome. every time you smile, llamas cheer. have a great day/night and stay safe. llama cuddles

Liked by: Llama

Have you updated your fanfics yet?

So i'm going to finish off an essay that i'm in the middle of then i'll updating the Juuzou one then i'm going to have my lunch and do the Levi one and I'll update the Zuko one later on after I watched a few episodes of Avatar to get me in the zone for writing about him

Thoughts on the new Asking Alexandria track?

Honestly I like it and i'm really disappointed with how some so-called "fans" are reacting.
Of course the song is going to sound different, they have a brand new vocalist. That was blatantly obvious from the moment Ben announced they were carrying on after Danny left.
All the comments about it not sounding like From Death To Destiny are pissing me off because when that album came out everyone moaned about it not sounding like Reckless & Relentless and even when that came out people moaned because it wasn't the same as Stand Up and Scream. Grow up. If you can't accept that a band's style will change over a period of 5/6 years you're extremely naive. Not to mention this is only one song from what will be an entire album.
If this is the direction Asking Alexandria are going in and they're happy with this then I fully support them like I always have and I can't wait to hear the new album and hopefully I can see them live in the summer.

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barn owner better have my grass, y'all should feed me enough, barn owner better have my grass, please dont call me out on bluff, feed me what you owe me

Please release a mixtape..
Liked by: Llama

What would you do if you were stuck in a room with 70 spiders & tarantulas up & all you had was a rope and chair? *No phone signal, the door is bricked up, no windows*

Fun fact: my best friend has 8 pet tarantulas and i've been bitten by 2 of them
Tbh I really like spiders so I wouldn't be bothered about them
Buuut if you're implying that i'd just die in there because the door was bricked up then I think everyone would take their own life regardless of whether the spiders bother them or not, it's kinda preferable to dying of thirst

What are you wearing right now?

I will actually be startled when the day arrives when I don't answer this with jeans and a t shirt tbh
I could be dying in the hot sun and i'd still refuse to take my black skinny jeans off jfc

What are some things that annoy you in boyfriends/girlfriends?

I've had two boyfriends that tried to control what I ate and it was actually laughable to be honest
I also don't really like clingy people, like I'm really introverted so I prefer been on my own a lot of the time and I get stressed if someone needs me 24/7 idk


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