

Ask @Millierawrz

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"I ain't gay" ignores the fact you're implying he's into kids

The Daily Star had a headline the other day that basically implied that the guy who just committed the recent terror attack in London was a shitty person because he was a "benefit cheat" and not because he was a terrorist so I'm not surprised someone else who's alt-right has messed up priorities.
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

His brother asked me to look after him, plus I ain't gay

So you're in the closet too? I know you must feel dirty and ashamed about all this because of your political alignment but it's ok :)
Liked by: Bethan

Is that the only argument you have?

Nah I have many but I feel like you're getting your panties in a twist over what I can imply about you hanging around with young children
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

I'm giving out leaflets, comics and newspapers, the younger generation needs to know about white nationalism as they're the future soldiers.

The NSPCC offers free, anonymous counseling to people like you :)
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

Only lefties like you are nonces, there's never been a nonce ever in the far right, only in the Labour Party

I'm not the one hanging around outside a primary school though am I? You're getting a bit defensive about this, there's services that can help people like you before you potentially hurt a child :)
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

I got charged with inciting racial hatred by giving comics to children outside of the primary school the comics were about race and they were created by the National Front, is that harsh?

Yeah because hanging around outside a primary school when you're not a parent isn't weird at all. I think you have more pressing concerns than being a massive racist buddy.
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

what is your favorite quality about your best friend?

Her ability to keep going despite all the crap she has to deal with constantly and not really letting it get her down because she knows that regardless things will get better.
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

what does vulnerability mean to you? what has the ability to make you vulnerable?

Feeling like you need to be protected I guess.
I don't know, mainly when I get that wave of depression at 3am and I have to put kpop crack videos on to keep it together
Liked by: Bethan

From this day, we declare war against the IRA and its splinter groups. Known IRA men will be executed mercilessly and without hesitation. Less extreme measures will be taken against anyone sheltering or helping them, but if they persist in giving them aid, then more extreme method.

I love
Liked by: Bethan

Yes I did

I bet he was thrilled when he found out he wasn't going to a Minecraft convention.
Why are you hanging out with 12 year olds anyway? Bit dodgy if you ask me my dude.
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

I did take him to show him about what's happening in our country

My political concern at 12 was who was the richest out of my friends on Runescape. Did you fuck get a 12 year old to go to a national front meeting lmfao
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

Is it wrong that I took my mate's 12 year old brother to a National Front meeting?

Well you didn't did you. All 12 year old boys care about is Fifa and getting wired off a can of Relentless they badgered their mum into buying them from Sainsburys.
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

You aren't even British

I was born in England and my parents are English but honestly you're making me wish I wasn't
Liked by: Bethan

Italy was wealthy under Mussolini , Spain was wealthy under Franco and Russia has become wealthy under Putin

Go have a look at how fast China's economy is growing pal.
Liked by: Bethan

I'm not against fascism anyway, it brings wealth whereas communism brings poverty

Please explain to me how fascism brings wealth?
Liked by: Bethan

I got told off for reading a newspaper at college during my break, is that unfair?

I mean if you were reading some shit like The Daily Star I'd probably shout at you too but yeah that's kinda bs.
Liked by: Bethan


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