

Ask @Millierawrz

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honesty night?

I think i'll be falling asleep within the next hour so i'll just do it till I start dropping off

Do you find talking about things such as sex and sexuality uncomfortable? If you don't, why do you think people do? And if you do, why do you find it uncomfortable?

Advice Page
I find questions about my own sex life and whatnot extremely intrusive especially if it's people I don't know asking purely to sate their own curiosity.
Liked by: supa hot fire

Have you ever gotten upset because you feel like you have annoyed or angered someone you really care about? (Like you tear up or get a knot in your throat)

I get this a lot because I panic and think my boyfriend hates me T_T
It's such a horrid feeling

What is one thing that really angers or upsets you?

The fact that on the news this morning some guy was saying society is more sexist towards men and men are oppressed and it took me about 15 minutes to realise he wasn't joking, he actually seriously thinks that

in gonna buy proper ones when i get money since kens ghoul eye is red on outside and small black dot inside and others have black outside and red inside (im obsessed with tokyo ghoul) uta and ken are just uta is cute ;^;

I really want to cosplay as Uta but i'd probably have to actually shave the side of my head and dye my hair black :c

What color of eyes do you really like? Brown, green, blue, grey, purple, or black?

I really want some purple circle lenses but I have really dark green eyes so they'd hardly show up T_T
Liked by: Lord Green

Recommend an anime? If you don't like anime 10% of my love for you just packed it's bags and returned for redistribution! (QOTD)

Your Senpai
I'm watching Gargantia On the Verdurous Planet right now and just watch FMA 24/7 because it is perfection
Liked by: Lord Green

Do you listen to music while showering? (I do lmao is that weird)

I listen to music when I have a bath but I shower twice a day so I can't be bothered doing anything while i'm in there
Liked by: Lord Green

How long have you been with your boyfriend?

A year next Thursday ^_^
It should be next Tuesday actually but I officially asked him out on the 22nd so
Liked by: melissa

Without telling us the name or giving it away, tell us about the book you are reading and if you're not reading a book, tell us about your favourite film.

Advice Page
It's about a kid called Fitz who is a royal bastard been trained to be an assassin for the king and about his general life as a kid in a castle
Liked by: Advice Page

QOTD: When you were in elementary/primary school, did the school have a playground? If so, What was your favorite aspect of it?

supa hot fire
We had a field and a playground and there was a little swing set and a climbing frame which was pretty cool
Liked by: supa hot fire

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

Ok so I had tiny rants on Facebook about this earlier but it's pissed me off.
At college today I didn't have any money so I stayed in the common room type thing instead of going out. I was minding my own business when a group of lads who are older than me and I don't know them whatsoever sat on the sofas near me and spent the majority of the time staring and smirking at me and when I already have anxiety problems shit like that really bothers me. They then started pointing and giggling at my bag, can someone please explain to me what is so damn hilarious about a bag because that'd be a huge help. Afterwards they started trying to throw a gross paper bag that was covered in mayo at me and seriously they are like 19/20 years old and they're bothering someone who they don't even know and it fucking winds me up because that sort of behaviour is what 12 year olds are like. I now feel hella anxious and it's the dumbest shit ever but it's setting my disorders off and I feel like crap right now and I needed to write something out to try and calm down

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Liked by: Bitch-chan moss


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