

Ask @Millierawrz

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Nice way to avoid a few of my questions :')

Bias is NOT the same thing as Discrimination. Sexism (towards females and other gender minoritie are deeply ingrained, institutional, indoctrinated ideologies with long and violent histories. These histories continue to be played out today. What you’re describing, your female friends who “call men morons and immature and rapists” are expressing a bias. Your friends will never, ever be able to institutionalize their feelings towards men in the way feelings towards women have been. To exemplify this, and perhaps to remind you, here is some historical to this inequity:
White cis males have the entirety of the system, whether it is the government, employment, religion, health access, agency, geared in their favor. Does this make them bad people? No. If they monopolize and manipulate the system, if they abuse their power? Yes, their character is in question (Rush Limbaugh,Mel Gibson, Chris Brown, and this horrifying abuse for example) It is because of this institutionalized favoring for white, cis men, otherwise known as patriarchy, that misandry cannot exist. Bias, sure. But sexism towards males? That is called “impossible”.
That's on my tumblr, it sums up what I just said, bye now

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Liked by: Sophie Soy Sauce

So basically you're saying that sexism is a one way thing and that men cannot be on the receiving side of thing, you're deluded, seriously. And right there, it's none of your fucking business what people do! If men want to scratch their crotch, DONT FUCKING JUDGE THEM FOR IT!

You're deluded if you're getting this butthurt over what I think about men scratching their gross ass nuts lmao
like I said there's a difference between sticking your hand down your crotch and feeding a child, yet one is problematic.
You clearly have some trauma regarding breasts and I suggest you go talk to someone about it, it's a very damaging view

You don't see people pissing on the street because you have muscles that help to keep the urine in lmao, developed through evolution. An itch becomes more uncomfortable faster than holding your piss in

You can literally resist the urge to itch and you have very little self control if you can't do that.
My point before, you hardly ever see women scratching their privates in public.
and let's be honest, why are you getting so worked up about this?
Liked by: moss

If you have an itch you itch it on impulse, women still itch their crouch though...and you can bottle breast milk

Someone is clearly uncomfortable with breast feeding.
You do not itch on impulse lmao, you can hold the urge. The same reason you don't see people pissing themselves in the street
Liked by: ivy moss

Not unnecessary if you have an itch though...and that's like saying the same about women, why did you highlight men with that? It's just the same if women scratch their crotch so why point out men?

Women are less likely to scratch their crotches directly in public.
I've had guys who were sat next to me on the bus with their hands down their gross ass pants.
and let's be honest, it is unnecessary. A baby would not go without been fed if a guy didn't scratch his nuts
Liked by: moss

20/20 like + obs/obs?:* Jeśli już to zrobisz napisz mi w pytaniu 'gotowe' <3 // @Roksi69

Quick 10 minute doodle of Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
I am literally the worst at drawing ears T_T
and laptop touchpads are the bane of my existence for drawing with

Scratching your crotch because of an itch is a little different to getting your breast out...just saying

Not really
One is unnecessary and gross
The other is to feed a child

Is there any popular T.V. show you know of that you find sexist?

I think The Big Bang Theory is problematic but i've never watched enough of it to know if it's sexist too.
There was this show called "Dapper Laughs" or something here in England and it was basically telling men than women are only good for a one night stand but it got axed after 3 shows I think

I think otherwise:3 Stay confident and just remember that the opinions of some people aren't always the opinions of everyone else so no matter how many people knock you down you will always have people that will pick your right back up x

Liked by: Hamza Rajput


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