

Ask @Millierawrz

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theres better animes than attack on titan, freaking weeb.

I have nevet once said Attack On Titan was a good anime and if you actually bothered to read through my page you'd find that I actually think the anime is pretty crap. I appreciate the hell out of the manga because it is brilliant and needs way more appreciation that it's getting.
Also a weeb is someone who lacks respect for Japanese culture and is basically a racist. Liking anime and manga does not maks you a weeaboo.
Liked by: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Some restaurants and franchises bring out specialty items around holidays; for example Tims' during the Winter, brings out Candy Cane Hot Chocolate. Is there a favourite you have?

We get Caburys Scream Eggs near Halloween but that's about all
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You are given the opportunity to go live out your life in a fictional land of your choice (ex. Hogwarts), where are you headed?

Hyrule yo

At what age did you lose your virginity? If you are yet to, do you have any particular plans as to where when an who with? (I apologise if this is too personal, I thought it would be interesting to ask)

Your Senpai
Biggest mistake of my life yo

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Your Senpai
I would throw stuff at him tbh
Liked by: Comical kid

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" we don't like it when people "kill" babies so we'll deny women abortions which can kill them, we'll harass people who've had abortions and we'll murder a doctor for performing abortions all in the name of been pro-life"

Do you enjoy poetry? Post your fav poem, if you want.

What a thrill --- My thumb instead of an onion. The top quite gone Except for a sort of a hinge Of skin, A flap like a hat, Dead white. Then that red plush. Little pilgrim, The Indian's axed your scalp. Your turkey wattle Carpet rolls Straight from the heart. I step on it, Clutching my bottle Of pink fizz. A celebration, this is. Out of a gap A million soldiers run, Redcoats, every one. Whose side are they on? O my Homunculus, I am ill. I have taken a pill to kill The thin Papery feeling. Saboteur, Kamikaze man --- The stain on your Gauze Ku Klux Klan Babushka Darkens and tarnishes and when The balled Pulp of your heart Confronts its small Mill of silence How you jump --- Trepanned veteran, Dirty girl, Thumb stump.

Top 5 favourite things about Winter?

My mum always buys loads of cheese
I like cold weather
Snow snow snow
Get to see my dad a lot
Liked by: Soy Sauce

Do you like The Wolf Among Us?

I absolutely loved The Wolf Among Us and I really really really really can't wait for season 2 to be released.
I've started reading the Fables comics since and I love them so much gah
Liked by: Courtney

How can you hate The Last Of Us and The Walking Dead? :O

I just thought The Last Of Us was dull really and I thought the people buying a PS4 just to play the remastered version were idiots.
The Walking Dead is quite boring and I found the characters to be pretty undeveloped. I also think Clem is annoying
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Top five favourite animals? *sending a few top five questions*

Vampire Bat
Slow Lorris
Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Bird Eating Spiders


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